If you spend any time around childbirth issues at all you've probably come across the increasingly common (though still very uncommon) practice of 'eating' your placenta after childbirth.
Usually dehydrated and made into capsule form some people cook and eat it as food.
They do this for it's many potential benefits including being rich in nutrients to help with healing, increased lactation, reduced postpartum depression.
The Chinese have been practicing this for thousands of years while Italians and Hungarians practice aspects of it as well.
The Chinese have been practicing this for thousands of years while Italians and Hungarians practice aspects of it as well.
When I first heard of it I thought it was kind of gross, in the way that liver is gross, and a little strange but I realize that people generally think ideas that are new to them, ideas different from what they are socialized with, are weird whether they have merit or not.
Recently I read some comments on the topic reacting to it as disgusting, which I could understand.
However what I could not understand were the comments from males referring the placenta itself (not the ingesting of it) is as being like a 'Safeway bag full of blood', and 'one nasty bit of flesh'.
While I will not be ingesting my placenta, in pill or any other form, I am disgusted at this attitude toward this very important organ.
Would they feel this way about all organs outside of the body?
If so, fine.
Though when people see a heart or a kidney aren't they more likely to be fascinated and amazed than repulsed?
What about one of their own organs?
What about an organ that didn't have to do with women's reproductive system?
Or an entire dead body?
These are treated with much respect, it follows that the individual parts receive the same treatment.
Or an entire dead body?
These are treated with much respect, it follows that the individual parts receive the same treatment.
I find it disturbing that they have this attitude toward this part of the female body.
They don't have to eat it, look at it or even think about it in anything more than an abstract way so why is it so repulsive to them?
Bodies are not repulsive, they are wonders of science and creation.
Except for women's reproductive parts I guess.
but how about if it weren't for their 'organ' no squeamish male minds would be able to be troubled by a woman's gross placenta at all.