Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Goose is Getting Fat

I'm all filled up with Christmas love!
It's the kids you know, having them to teach makes Christmas special again, and music.
Also the sun is all shiny and there's snow!
My ridiculous kitchen is pretty much under control too.  
So I am feeling free and overcome with the desire to make all sorts of yummy treats
(and give them away! what's up with that, I never used to want to share, guess it's all that Christmas love) 
I'm make these, they are so pretty.

Happy Christmasing

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Oh theater how I love you!  
I love that you are so grown up,
and your live music is so living.
I love that you are the perfect date
and somehow much more interactive than a movie even though we talk way less.
I love that you make me feel like this girl
and that reading your helpful English text screen above the stage 
makes me hear Mr. Bhaer/My Honey's voice softly whisper to me.
While I don't love your over priced and slightly stale snacks 
you more than make up for it with your wonderfully tiny and sparkly old ladies. 
I love that by watching you I discover that this familiar aria is not a typical love song but actually a daughter charming what she wants out of her father!
Oh theater how I love you!

(Our's was so different from these, it was 50's era and more playful, still they are fun.  Being a Daddy's girl is a great universal theme to mix things up a bit from the typical themes of love and jealousy.)

without text

with text