Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Goose is Getting Fat

I'm all filled up with Christmas love!
It's the kids you know, having them to teach makes Christmas special again, and music.
Also the sun is all shiny and there's snow!
My ridiculous kitchen is pretty much under control too.  
So I am feeling free and overcome with the desire to make all sorts of yummy treats
(and give them away! what's up with that, I never used to want to share, guess it's all that Christmas love) 
I'm make these, they are so pretty.

Happy Christmasing


  1. you made those Heather? They look way too good to possibly eat

  2. I made some very similar ones last year and I'm making them again. They are a lot of work but thry look so good in the end it's worth it. Mine are more like the back one.

  3. I always tend enjoy eating something that looks so pretty. My stomach enjoys it as much as my eyes, maybe more.
